Mare of Easttown Review

Instagram : Reviews by Eby

                                    Picture source  : Wikipedia

          Kate Winslet starring in the detective series 'Mare Of Easttown' slowly creeps into you with its paleness. Mare Sheehan, the only detective in the area is forced to investigate petty crimes though her expertise is far believed by herself to be used somewhere else. She is found to be arrogant, always drinking and smoking despite having a good family. A typical lone wolf main character drives the show and after a while the audience is revealed the background for the stubbornness. The suicide of her son is the trauma behind her present behavior. She finds it difficult to put up with her other teenage daughter and mother. She feels annoyed that her ex husband is living just behind her apartment and also surprised to hear that he is getting engaged. Her only relief is taking care of her grandson and also she is  scared if he would turn up like his son.

The disappearance of a young girl two years back is still under investigation and as lead detective Mare hasn't got a clue about her whereabouts. The mother of the child (Mare’s high school friend) is conducting protests in the public and this keeps pressure on Mare from her superiors.  A parallel story also widens where another young divorced mother struggles to take care of her son. Her father and ex husband also blame her and she finds the urgent need to have money for the ear surgery of her son.

The plot seems to thicken as the young mother is found dead. The slow momentum of the new case forces the chief to appoint a famous detective from the county to assist Mare. Mare finds it disrespectful and shows her disdain toward the new detective Zabel. Zabel is found to be supportive and slowly becomes friends with Mare. 

Mare and Zabel conduct interviews, finds evidence to support their different theories. Mare is also aware of the fact that her daughter-in-law, a drug addict, is now sobered and lawyered up to get her son back. The detective is seen struggling with personal and professional problems. Mare gets suspended due to misusing evidence for her grandchild. Mare still pursues the case by using Zabel. Zabel finds a love interest towards Mare but later understands that she was using him. Mare and Zabel work their differences out and find a strong lead towards the culprit.

The casting of the show can be considered top notch. The flexible acting of Kate has been a gift to this show and Evan Peters has done a one hell of a job too. The cinematography and the grading is apt and there was indeed no lag in any of the early episodes. The climax seemed like not getting over as the suspects kept accumulating and the ending felt so emotional.

Verdict : Season one of the HBO show 'Mare of Easttown' now on Disney + Hotstar has seven episodes with an average of sixty minutes each. The director Craig Zobel has done a wonderful job except for dragging the climax. Overall, a detective thriller enthusiast should not miss this magnificent crime drama. 

